Heather Kochin bought Rainy Day, the Main Street, Vineyard Haven gift shop, 11 years ago from Ann and Frank Milstein. This year, Rainy Day celebrates 40 years in business. Ms. Kochin spoke about the store, and the anniversary, in a phone conversation with The Times.
What made you decide to purchase Rainy Day?
I worked as an employee there for two years before I decided to buy Rainy Day. I had fallen in love with every aspect of small business on Martha’s Vineyard. Everything from the buying, to creating displays, to the customer base. They were always so receptive and complimentary of the store, so I wanted to carry that on.
Where did the name Rainy Day come from?
That came from Ann [Milstein] when she was here. But my understanding is it was called that because that’s what people do on a rainy day — they shop. And those are definitely our busiest days. We love our sunshine, but rainy days are good for business.
What has changed over the years?
Originally, we were more of a kitchen store. We were the go-to for kitchen supplies and decorations. Now, there are other stores that sell those items. We’ve expanded to include more personal accessories, kids and baby items, and I tried to include more handmade items and items made in the USA.
What are your best sellers?
The kids rain gear, lined coats and boots, are big. We also sell a lot of stemware — glasses and barware. Our greeting card department, run by Liza Coogan who came here eight years ago from the Paper Tiger, sells a lot of beautiful cards.
What do you love about working at Rainy Day?
I just love the challenge every season of creating the displays, for Christmas, for summer, and so on. And finding those cutting edge new products is always rewarding.
Rainy Day is open every day. Call for hours at 508-693-1830 or visit rainydaymv.com.