Monday, October 14, 2024

    Detente’s decade

    Dreams do come true.

    Grieving in public

    Mockingbirds don’t do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corn cribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.

    Hiring a friend’s kid & Anonymous greetings

    You’re not obligated to do something that goes against your own interests unless perhaps her father is in the Mafia. If she’s not a good match for the job, don’t hire her. That’s an easy call. The harder call is figuring out how to break the news to both parent and child with minimal damage.

    Seasonal Status and Exed Out

    Seasonal status and exed out.

    Old Sculpin Gallery celebrates its 60th anniversary

    Special events are plentiful for the MVAA this summer.

    Mad Max celebrates 20 years of sailing with new paint, logo and hardware

    In 20 years of sailing, the 60-foot catamaran Mad Max has carried over 100,000 passengers, averaging 5,000 a season, according to the boat’s owner, Robert Colacray. Docked in Edgartown harbor, Mad Max is a state-of-the-art...

    After Obama

    After Obama

    Stop Talking & Beach Plum Poaching

    Stop the Talking and Stealing Beach Plums

    Edgartown Seafood Market: Fresh fish, dry wit

    From father to son, and onward.

    Derby Dilemmas

    Derby Dilemmas