Top of the Island to Ya!
At 311 feet above sea level, the top of Peaked Hill is the highest point on the Island. That makes it the highest place on Cape Cod and the Islands by three whole feet, not that anyone is counting. (Who, us?) There are, not surprisingly, some magnificent views and some gnarly mountain bike trails. The Land Bank preserved 149 acres of it through a series of purchases over a decade.
From the Land Bank’s Page for the Preserve: The rise of land known as Peaked Hill is the Island’s summit. The highest point in the rise, 311 feet above sea level, has quietly reposed for years; its 308′ cousin, located almost a quarter of a mile away, is renowned on the island as a World War II military lookout and garrison. The various promontories enjoy vistas of the south shore, Nomans Land Island, the Aquinnah peninsula, Menemsha Bight and — in the far distance over the Vineyard Sound, Elizabeth Islands and Buzzards Bay — the Mattapoisett coast. Boulders are strewn about, including the Wee Devil’s Bed and Stonecutter’s Rock.
For more information, visit the official Land Bank Website. Also, be sure to check out their cool map.