On Wednesday, March 13. at 7 pm at the Vineyard Haven library, the Peter H. Luce Play Readers present a reading of Neil Simon’s “Lost in Yonkers,” produced by special arrangement with Samuel French Inc. Charlena Seymour will direct a cast that includes Polly Brown, Joe Corbo, Felicity Russell, Cynthia Segal, Jay Sigler, Linda Vadasz, and C.K. Wolfson.
“Lost In Yonkers” won a Tony Award and a Pulitzer Prize. The memory play is set in Yonkers in 1942. Bella is 35 years old, mentally challenged, and living at home with her mother, stern Grandma Kurnitz. As the play opens, ne’er-do-well son Eddie deposits his two young sons on the old lady’s doorstep. He is financially strapped and taking to the road as a salesman. The boys are left to contend with Grandma, with Bella and her secret romance, and with Louie, her brother, a small-time hoodlum in a strange new world called Yonkers. The press release from the library says that Neil Simon is widely regarded as one of the most successful, prolific, and performed playwrights in the world.
For more than 15 years, the Peter H Luce Play Readers have met every Wednesday of the year at the Vineyard Haven Senior Center from 9 am to noon to read plays of every era and of every genre, from the Greek and Roman classics to the cutting-edge works of contemporary playwrights. The group is named for its founder, Peter Luce, who died in 2007.
The free performance is sponsored by the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library, and refreshments will be served. Doors will open at 6:30 pm for the 7 pm performance.
This article originally appeared on mvtimes.com.